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Événement d'exposition

FIA | Green Fresh are looking forward to meet you next time

Sep 02, 2024

FIA | Green Fresh are looking forward to meet you next time

Green Fresh Group shows at the FIA (Food Ingredients Asia-Indonesia) exhibition!

At FIA, we showcased a series of innovative application solutions, such as meat products, soft candies, jellies, and topping series. We would like to provide customers with new textures. Our professional team members enthusiastically introduced the product features and advantages to our customers. With their sincere attitude and rich professional knowledge, they won high recognition and praise from customers.

Sincerely thank our customers for their presence and support. If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to communicate with us. Green Fresh group can provide you with professional texture solutions. We look forward to having more extensive cooperation opportunities with all customers in the future and creating a better future with you.

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Nos horaires

Lun 21/11 - Mer 23/11 : 9h00 - 20h00
Jeu 24/11 : fermé - Joyeux Thanksgiving !
Ven 25/11 : 8h00 - 22h00
Sam 26/11 - Dim 27/11 : 10h - 21h
(toutes les heures sont en heure de l'Est)

Du lundi 21/11 au mercredi 23/11 : 9h - 19h
Jeudi 24/11 : Serated
Vendredi 25/11 : 9h - 22h
Samedi 26/11 au dimanche 27/11 : 10h - 19h
(Heure de l'Est) Nous sommes disponibles 6 jours sur 7



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